Make a Referral

Please use the form below if you would like to self-refer to Liber8, or if you are a professional referring someone to us. This will help us to register you quickly and assess your needs.

Please note: Unfortunately due to significantly more referrals being recieved in the last 12mths to our services; our waiting list is substantial, with routine appointments having a 12 month waiting list. We can only apologise for this length of waiting period.

If you have any difficulties filling out the form or aren't sure how to answer any of the questions, please check the What to Expect page, or give us a call on 01698 533 035.

What To Expect

Let's Get Started ...

Note: please provide the client's details below

Person Details

The details of the person being referred

Your Address

Contacting You

Referral Reason

Referral Agent

If you are a making the Referral on behalf of someone, please give your details.

And Finally ...

This helps us prevent spam

Where to Find Us

Blantyre Base,
Liber8 (Lanarkshire) Ltd.,
1-3 Station Road, Blantyre,
South Lanarkshire, G72 9AA

01698 533 035